monastery of the white tiger - an idea for a secular monastery I had, inspired by Neal Stephenson's Anathem. Originally, the idea was much more broad to create an organization that would provide for humanity through automation but I gave up after realizing that I wouldn't be able to get people outside of the organization to follow even the most basic of rules. The original idea is here though.
poor mans wikipedia - working on this page made me think of this idea I had a while back of a 'poor man's wikipedia' which is probably the shittiest elevator pitch. the idea is that ANYTHING could be an entry and it'd be less like a definitive summary or whatever and just a database of entries. like this right now, what I'm talking about would reference wikipedia but it would also reference whatever the main topic is. That's probably a bad example, but you'd be able to tag every entry with its relevant references.
Quit List - I have ADHD and I quit media pretty quickly. I thought it would be fun to keep track of all the media I quit and why.
random musings