The Monastery of the White Tiger
The Monastery of the White Tiger is a proposed quasi-secular, leftist monastery. (I named it White Tiger because of the oriental / Kung Fu allusions but also because of the movie White Tiger.)
The Divinity of Infrastructure - To participate in the consumption or utilization of something that was created by someone who is not part of The Organization is considered sin. If you consume or utilize something that was created by someone who is part of the monastery but they created it with resources from outside of the monastery, this is still partial sin. In order to evaluate your own sin, individuals should engage in The Discipline in which they will go out of their way to keep track of the things they are in contact with that is sinful and avoid it if they can. By doing this, you help to mitigate the inherent sin of the world.
The Divinity of Labor - A person's work is holy and sacred. You give it to others out of love and kindness or obligation but to do so for money is lowly and sinful. To barter your labor is less sinful but still sinful.
The Divinity of Land - A Capitalist sees land as nothing more than a number on a sheet of paper, but land should never be sold. Land is the space we inhabit and the resources we have. The Divinity of Infrastructure and the sin related to that is inherent to the world we live in but selling land is never inevitable. It should be a last resort on par with sacrificing yourself.
People join the monastery by being sponsored by a member and can only be admitted or excommunicated by unanimous vote. When you join, there is a probationary period to see if you are compatible with the monastery and you are at that point only an initiate. Each member may sponsor one person and is responsible for that initiate when they join. Members and initiates are not allowed to touch unless it is an emergency, either medical or psychiatric. (To be clear, this is between members and initiates not members and members or initiates and initiates.)
The Discipline
The Discipline is when you live within the context of
The Divinity of Infrastructure. I write down everything that I interact with that I did not personally create. (I have taken to calling this The Paper.) As of right now, I make exceptions for the fact that:
- I live in a house I didn't make (this includes utilities)
- use furniture I didn't make
- any infrastructure related to preparing food
- anything medical
- anything used in the production of something for The Discipline (for now at least)
The Paper contains a five square grid where I keep track of the following:
- interactions with infrastructure (except for the exceptions above)
- food
- computer programs and mobile apps
- media that I consume that is haram
- websites/services that are not purely informational
In terms of language, I have borrowed terms from Islam to describe exceptions to The Discipline for media.
halal/haram media. This created a need for a word of something that has been created for The Discipline: exalted. Something that is exalted has been created to fulfill The Discipline.