The Monastery of the White Tiger
Computer (64)
make a computer out of constituent parts
Pen (57)
my paper needs sizing in order for the ink to not soak into the paper.
Cell Phone (38)
make a cell phone from a raspberry pi
Soap (35)
make soap
Sandals (33)
make sandals
Mattress (32)
outside of a pallet of blankets, I'm not entirely sure I have the resources to make a mattress. I was looking up a tick-mattress but I don't have any straw to stuff it with.
while I don't have the resources for a tick-mattress, I can make a cot. That might be viable. That's just canvas and some wood.
$4 per 2x4 and 3 of them. 2 for the cross bars and 1 for the legs.
Paper (21)
make 100 pieces of paper
create a traditional paper mould - with metal backing (and a deckle)
Light (20)
make a light from the led lights I'm not using
Towel (15)
make a backup towel
I originally made a towel out of socks, but the elastic lining was starting to decompose. It'd be better if I bought terry cloth and made a towel from it.
Pencil (10)
this is superceded by the pen
wedge pillow (9)
Dryer (8)
I should see how viable the clothesline that I've made is.
Vacuum (8)
Pillow (7)
scanner (6)
Air Conditioning (5)
Clothes (5)
hand towel (5)
Sheet (5)
Toothbrush (5)
Toothpaste (5)
washing machine (5)
blanket (4)
Clock (4)
Laundry Bag (4)
Marker (4)
Nail Clippers (4)
Underwear (4)
Water (4)
Hair Clippers (3)
Scissors (3)
Shirt (3)
bleach (2)
Box Cutter (2)
Camera (2)
Fan (2)
flosser (2)
Nail File (2)
Shampoo (2)
Toilet Paper (2)