The Monastery of the White Tiger

metric time

A member of the monastery must endeavor to keep track of time through metric time. Instead of 86,400 seconds for a mean solar day, metric time assigns 100k seconds. There are two different versions of metric time: Earth-based and universal.
Earth-based metric time's day begins at that locale's solar noon. In Earth-based time, there are actually more or less than 100k metric seconds depending on the current day's length. Days are organized by lunar cycles and their phases. The year numbering system is different but it's just 10k added to the current amount.
Universal time is the simplest. A day is just 100k metric seconds. Because it's not based off of assumptions like years and months and stuff like that. That's mostly it. For the sake of organization, I have further divided days into cycles which are 1,000 day increments. So you keep track of how many cycles have occurred and what day of the cycle this is. Today is September 18, 2024, but in Universal Metric Time, it is day 654 of cycle 4,391 or 4391-654 or day 4,391,654.
For the sake of brevity, the shorthand for metric time of 53,254 would just be 53.2k. (or to whatever digit you feel comfortable) The k can be omitted in informal situations . To signify that it is universal or earth-based, you would simply type u53.2k or e53.2k, respectively. This too can be omitted within the proper context, informal or wahtever.
I just learned today (4391-668) that a previous group of people have used a similar system. I thought it was way too obvious of a system to not use. Apparently, it was even going to be a part of the metric system. Here's why they didn't use it though. I thought for sure that I had googled metric time, but maybe I didn't.