The Monastery of the White Tiger


None of these are enacted. I just think they might be good ideas. These all require a certain amount of buy in from other people and/or I'm not sure if I want to move forward with them:
vow of poverty: No member of The Organization should ever be wealthy and, ideally, they should take a vow of poverty.
exaltation of indigeneity: Indigineous people have been uprooted and eradicated throughout history. The Organization aims to correct this by speaking and writing within the local monastery in the indigineous language of that location. This is even more important if that language is endangered.
lojban: lojban should be considered a univeral language that every member of The Organization should learn. Basic fluency is required in order to become a member. This is so that all members, no matter where they are, can communicate regardless of mother tongue.
anathem: Anathem is the closest thing to a sacred text that the monastery has and it seems only appropriate that there should be cultural references to the organization presented within that work. As it stands right now, only Provener is a part of it. (What that actually means has yet to be determined.) I thought the whole sleeping in a different cell thing was very compelling but I don't really ahve the infrastructure to enact it. But I'm open to implementing more things.
panhandling: I had this idea about how Buddhist monks go begging for food in order to sustain themselves and that is a central part of that religion. In that same vein, what if White Tiger monks go panhandling in defiance of capitalism?
I wrote this on a flight of fancy one day as I was thinking about various things, but I genuinely really like this. Buddhist monksts begged for food as alms because they were created as part of an agrarian society. A corollary to that would be leftist monks begging for money in defiance of a capitalist society. Plus, it ties the monks to the local society in a way that is oppositional to their own isolation. Even if it was just for 1-5k (in time) per day, I think this would be good.